According to Australian Property Monitors, “The Perth housing market can be expected to continue its upward trajectory of growth, with median prices to be at record levels sooner rather than later in 2013.
First home buyers remain active in the market motivated by the tight rental market and steeply rising rents. However, signs are beginning to emerge of strains on the local economy from the record levels of new arrivals, particularly given the apparent topping out of the resources boom. Perth’s unemployment rate rose to 5.4 percent over April – the highest monthly level recorded for three years.”
Australian Property Monitors June Housing Market Report says:
“Buyer activity in Adelaide remains subdued, reflecting the nature of the underperforming local economy where unemployment over April remained seemingly intractably high at 6.1 percent. Some positive signs from ABS home loan data for Adelaide, with the number of owneroccupied loans approved in South Australia up by 3.5 percent over the first 3 months of this year, compared to the same period last year.”